A future in heritage?

This post is a little different, looking not at one exhibition or venue, but at working in museums. Specifically, this piece is about graduate anxiety, generational anxiety, working-in-the-arts anxiety, financial anxiety, who-even-am-I anxiety…sensing a theme? In an effort to alleviate some of these things swilling around my brain, I took a leap and went to a conference designed for emerging museum professionals, called Moving On Up and run by the Museums Association. It was, in many ways, completely wonderful: a beautiful venue in the form of the Maritime Museum, Liverpool; the surprise of bumping into a girl from my MA course and getting to know her outside the constrained environment of a seminar where everybody is too sweaty and close together and awkward. The topics were interesting, but I was overwhelmed by the number of people in the room. There were maybe seventy of us, but I could not stop thinking – there aren’t enough jobs for everyone here, let alone the hundreds...