Doing heritage at home

'The Last Supper (via Zoom)', from @MythAddict on Twitter Obviously, too many words have already been written trying make sense of, and distract ourselves from, the horrific thing that is happening (a pandemic). There is no point ignoring that, because it defines our waking moments. For this reason I have very mixed feelings about the artistic and cultural sector's responses to it all, because on the one hand, the point of the creative industries is to reflect and respond to what's going on in the world. But on the other, we all desperately need an escape, and institutions like theatres and galleries are well-placed to provide that. And on the OTHER hand (yes, I have three, temporarily, what of it), I have a sense that perhaps these fast-moving yet underfunded industries need a little rest, and should be happy to let everyone just watch some telly for a while. We have enough to do, enough problems to tackle in our own house, before trying to put out Yet More Content. Id...